Software Simplifies Steel Bridge Design and Construction
Bentley Systems has introduced LEAP Bridge Steel for the 3D modeling, design, analysis, and load rating of everyday steel bridges. The software, which adheres to AASHTO Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) specifications, enables users to leverage the benefits of bridge information modelling (BrIM), including increased efficiency and data reuse across the bridge lifecycle. It also provides the advantages of optioneering – which enables engineers to quickly consider trade-offs between multiple design strategies. When used with Bentley’s LEAP Bridge Enterprise software for concrete bridges, LEAP Bridge Steel provides bridge engineers and designers a comprehensive solution to evaluate multiple concrete or steel design alternatives.
Raoul Karp, Bentley Systems vice president, structural and BrIM products, said, “The cornerstone of BrIM is intelligent information mobility, which fosters the use of data beyond bridge design and engineering to inform downstream processes such as fabrication, construction, operations, maintenance, and inspection. With easy access to information about the bridge, organizations can optimize business processes – across the bridge lifecycle.”
“We have been using LEAP Bridge Enterprise for our concrete bridge projects, so we were very excited to hear that the product family is being extended to support the design of steel bridges as well,” said Christian DeWalt, bridge engineer, Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. “In early testing, we’ve found LEAP Bridge Steel to be a real time-saver. The workflow provides rapid modelling and analysis, so we can produce 3D models very quickly and they are automatically updated as we make edits in the design. The complex, behind-the-scenes calculations save us many hours, enabling us to ensure compliance to industry standards faster.”