Fecon, Inc. has introduced the new SH280 Stump Hog stump grinder for the FTX128 track carrier. The SH280 Stump Hog brings big performance and robust construction to the job when powered by the 60-gpm/4,600-psi high flow of the FTX128. The SH280 delivers impressive torque and wheel speed of 1,000 rpm through a large displacement direct drive 227cc hydraulic motor. The large 28.75-inch diameter wheel is swept from side to side with the ergonomic control of the FTX128 joystick. The dedicated auxiliary low flow of the tractor powers the sweep function so no performance is taken from the high-flow power to the wheel.
This powerful combination enables operators to be more productive, moving quickly from stump to stump in the quiet and comfortable enclosed FTX128 cab. Working from the enclosed cab also means working comfortably in the ambient heat or cold, or when rain might otherwise stop work entirely.
The SH280 Stump Hog is a complimentary extension to the growing number of approved attachments that make FTX128 owners more versatile. The SH280 is their high-performance solution for stumps after mulching with Fecon’s BH85SD-4 mulching attachment or felling trees with the company’s FBSD1500 bunching shear.