The Commander II, GOMACO's two-track curb and gutter machine, is back and better than ever. The new Commander II introduction was announced at World of Concrete 2018. It features the simplicity of a two-track paver with GOMACO's exclusive and operator-friendly G+ digital control system. There are GOMACO owners who prefer the Commander II over any other paver. It's now back and features the new G+ technology.
That first new Commander II was recently put to work on a curb and gutter project for a contractor in southern Florida. On its first day, the Commander II was slipforming over 40 feet (12.2 mpm) per minute, as logged by the GOMACO Remote Diagnostics (GRD) system. Concrete is fed into the hopper by a 20 inch (508 mm) wide, six foot (1.8 m) long conveyor belt. It features a belt speed of 350 feet per minute (106.7 mpm) to quickly move the concrete into the hopper. The contractor was unloading eight cubic yard (6.1 m3) trucks through the machine in nine minutes.
Operator comfort and visibility has been designed into the new Commander II. The operator's platform is now isolated to eliminate vibration. A new pivoting operator's control console allows the operator to have hands-on control and ultimate visibility no matter what application is being slipformed. G+ control allows independent track drive for the ultimate paver control experience.
"This is everything you've ever wanted in a Commander II," Kevin Klein, GOMACO's Vice President of Engineering/Research and Development, said. "We've added the pivoting operator's console similar to the Commander III. The Commander II can be shipped on a truck at 8.4 feet (2.6 m) wide. It has the smooth G+ two-speed travel. In fact, its G+ control software was derived from our extensive two-track paver experience to make the Commander II easier, faster and better than ever before."
The Commander II is the and it is powered by a 102 horsepower (76 kW), Tier IV Kohler engine. It features a travel speed of up to 82 feet per minute (25 mpm) to quickly traverse any job site. It is equipped with a 60 inch (1524 mm) wide sectional direct drive trimmerhead for exacting grade preparation.
The Commander II will slipform a variety of applications and is designed to simultaneously trim and pour for maximum concrete utilization. It can easily convert from project to project with applications such as curb and gutter, safety barrier, irrigation canal, recreational path, shoulders and more.