The North American Society for Trenchless Technology Canadian Chapters (NASTT-NW, NASTT-GLSA and NASTT-BC) are excited to bring the first annual No-Dig North Show to the Calgary Telus Convention Centre in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on October 28-30, 2019.
The show will consist of two days of technical paper presentations and industry exhibits in the trenchless technology field. Pre-event short courses will also be available to attend on Monday, Oct. 28, 2019. A full unveiling of the agenda and networking events will be coming soon.
Registration for both attendees and exhibitors is now open along with a courtesy room block that has been reserved for attendees at the Hyatt Regency Calgary. Attendees can reserve their hotel room and register for the No-Dig North Show by visiting www.nodignorth.ca.
Some early show exhibitors include Akkerman, BlueFox Engineerings, HammerHead Trenchless, HOBAS Pipe USA, Insituform Technologies, LiquiForce, Michels Canada, T2 Utility Engineers and Westech. Akkerman, Insituform Technologies and Michels Canada are also sponsors of the No-Dig North Show.
Company info
500 South C. P. Avenue
Lake Mills, WI
US, 53551
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