How to choose the right compact equipment
A Q&A on selecting compact equipment with Lee Padgett, Product Manager at Takeuchi-US

Kaitlyn Till: What should a contractor consider when evaluating existing assets?
Lee Padgett: Can their current operation be sustained using their existing equipment or would they benefit and be more profitable with the addition of new equipment allowing them to complete more jobs? They will need to determine if the added expense of machine cost, maintenance and additional operators will translate into greater profits.
KT: In what applications do you typically find a customer needing multiple types of Takeuchi equipment?
LP: Many different applications can benefit from the use of multiple pieces of equipment. Jobs such as plumbing, utility, septic and general construction can be completed much more quickly and efficiently by using an excavator to complete the trenching portions and then a compact track loader to backfill and complete the final finish grade work.
KT: How does Takeuchi help customers select the right size of equipment for a given application?
LP: There are many different considerations that go into picking the right machine. A good place to start would be to determine the type of application. Dig depth, bucket breakout, lifting capabilities, bucket capacity and tractive effort are a few of the specs that you will want to determine to ensure that your machine will make you an effective and productive operator. From there you can decide on how you will move the machine to the jobsite and what type of trailer setup and license you will need.
KT: In what scenarios does it matter that a contractor have the right-spec'd machine?
LP: All scenarios. Often times you can use a larger or smaller machine to complete the same task, but you will either be less efficient costing more time and money to complete the task using an undersized machine or you will have a higher operation cost by using too large of a machine, cutting into profit margins for the job. It is always best practice to make sure that you are using the correct machine for the job at hand.
KT: Are there common features between different types of compact equipment that can get a less experienced operator up to speed on more pieces of equipment faster?
LP: All Takeuchi equipment incorporates the same design philosophy, control type, and feature sets, making it an almost seamless transition when moving from one machine to another.
KT: How does it benefit a contractor to have one manufacturer's equipment as opposed to multiple OEMs?
LP: Several things come into play here. With having only one manufacturer's equipment, owners can stock less parts as they can be used for multiple pieces of equipment, there are cost savings associated with larger stock parts orders being places, and all of your equipment can be serviced at the same dealer location saving time and fuel cost in taking machines to multiple locations.
This article originally appeared in the February 2020 issue of Heavy Equipment Guide. Check out the digital edition here.