TT Technologies

The self-contained, hydraulically operated Grundoburst static Pipebursting® procedure system makes bursting ductile iron and steel pipe possible. With such powerful capabilities, the Grundoburst is having a tremendous impact on the water and gas industries.
Features & Benefits
Flexible Guide Rod
The flexible guide rod helps ensure a smooth installation of the QuickLock bursting rods.
QuickLock Rods
QuickLock bursting rods quickly and easily link together. This greatly reduces the amount of time needed to load the rods compared to a standard screw-together stem system.
The Grundoburst is highly powerful, easily transported and offers fast set-up.
There are eight models available ranging in pullback force from 60,000 lbs. to 650,000 lbs. Grundoburst models are designed for bursting 4-inch (101-mm) through 48-inch (1,219-mm) pipes and larger.
QuickLock bursting rods
Patented Quicklock bursting rods are linked together not threaded. This saves time, prevents twisting and extends the life of the cutter head over threaded bursting rods.