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Allison Transmission, Inc.

Allison Transmission, Inc. Logo


Address One Allison Way, Indianapolis, IN, 46222, US
Phone 317-242-5000
Website allisontransmission.com
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Allison Transmission is the world's largest manufacturer of commercial-duty automatic transmissions and hybrid propulsion systems. Our products are specified by more than 300 of the world's leading vehicle manufacturers and are used in a range of market sectors—from bus, refuse and emergency to construction, distribution and defense.

Allison was founded in 1915 in Indianapolis, Indiana, where the company's global headquarters is still located. We have approximately 1,400 dealer and distributor locations, employ more than 2,700 people around the world and our international presence spans more than 80 countries.

In addition to being the world's leading provider of commercial-duty automatic transmissions and hybrid propulsion systems, we also strive to be the foremost provider of parts and services for our customers.

Whether you drive, sell, service or distribute on-highway vehicles, defense vehicles or off-highway equipment, Allison provides you with the highest quality products and the best customer care. We work to win your trust and enthusiasm through continuous improvement driven by the integrity, teamwork and innovation from our employees and authorized partners.

Allison promises our customers an automatic experience like they've never had: an unrivaled combination of Quality, Reliability, Durability, Vocational Value and Customer Service.

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